

The school’s aim is to mould pupils into progressive and disciplined individuals with a deep sense of moral integrity and courage through a well-balanced intellectual, physical, psychological and creative course of development. Parent’s co-operation is sought on a daily basis to ensure that pupils :

  • attend school punctually, in correct and tidy uniforms;
  • complete all home assignments satisfactorily;
  • are not sent to school if unwell, even if tests are scheduled ;
  • carry their identity cards and calendar every day;
  • are regular in attendance;
  • maintain a high degree of honesty , courtesy and dignity as befitting students of AGRASAIN BOYS' SCHOOL; get their calendar checked and signed every day. All students must arrive in time to attend morning assembly. Students will not be allowed to go home before the expiry of the school hours unless there is an emergency of a very serious nature. If there is an emergency, either of the parents must come to escort the student. Students are expected to be true representatives of the Indian culture by developing habits of self-control, discipline and good manners.
  • Students must always address their teachers, parents and all senior members with due respect and politeness. Students must always behave as good cultured citizens while mixing in community, on their way to and from the school and must be helpful to the needy whenever they come across such people. Students must not cause damage to school property, flowers in the pots etc. All books , study materials and notes including school bags, etc. must be well preserved and kept in order. Students will be responsible for the safe custody of their books and materials while in school and each article must bear his name, class and ID number.
  • Eating in the classroom when the class is on, will be considered as a serious breach of discipline. Chewing gums is not permitted.
  • Bringing comics, newspapers, periodicals, radios / tapes /mobiles or any material of objectionable nature will not be permitted. Prior permission of the headmistress is a must if bringing of such things becomes absolutely necessary. Students are required to speak in English while conversing with each other to develop fluency in the language.
  • All students are supposed to respect each other’s dignity and must behave in a gentleman-like manner. Students must not be sent to school when they are sick, even if there is an examination.
  • Parents are requested to provide sufficient tiffin to their wards. The CEO/Principal reserves the right to : suspend attendance. promote or detain students.
  • demand withdrawal of any pupil who frequently breaks school rules or whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of the school in any manner. take disciplinary action, whenever required, to ensure smooth functioning of the school. change the existing rules.

General Instructions :

Pupils are not permitted to:

  • carry expensive objects e.g. audio / video tapes, calculators, glossy magazines/mobiles. attend school if unwell / suffering from an infectious disease. bring any money unless specifically asked for.
  • speak in any language except English while in the school premises since English is the medium of instruction. behave in any manner injurious to the moral and disciplined tone set in the school. damage the property and celebrate birthday or any occasions in the school.

To Parents & Guardians :

  • The parents always retain their rights and duties in the education of their children even though they delegate them in part to the school. The active support and co-operation of parents in all cases shall be considered indispensable to the success of the child. Parents/Guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities in the following manner:
  • by ensuring regularity and completion of home-work.
  • by not engaging private tutors without consulting the school authorities.
  • by ensuring that their wards are diligent at their homework.
  • by developing habits to maintain neatness and cleanliness in all respects.
  • by occasionally calling on the Principal or Headmistress to assess the progress of their wards. teachers may not be interviewed without permission from the CEO/Principal.
  • private tuitions etc are not arranged for, in or by the school.
  • half-a-day’s leave is not normally granted, in case of any emergency request must be personally made by parents. leave is not granted for occasions like marriages of relatives, religious functions etc. pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and other belongings; the school is not responsible for any loss of the same.
  • Correspondence regarding any pupil must bear his full name, class, section and ID Number. offending pupils will bear the cost of either repair or replacement of damage to school property. any change of address/telephone no. must be notified in writing. a local guardian must be appointed in case of parents’ residing in suburban areas.
  • Periodical reports and report cards will keep the Parents/Guardians informed of the progress of their wards. These reports are to be signed and retained. Parents / Guardians are not allowed to see their wards or to interview teachers during class hours. Admittance into the school premises is at the sole discretion of the school authorities. All communications to the school should be addressed to the CEO/Principal.