ABS is committed to offering students varied opportunities for extra- curricular activities. The integration of work and study is the key element of students’ development. Involving students in different club activities supplement academics and give a hands on training to show their talents in an innovative way. The concept of Clubs gives the students an open field to expand their creativity blended with learning adaptability and thus gives the students an ultimate opportunity to make them man of substance.
Literary Club
ECO Club
Games Club
Drama Club
Science Club
Hobby Club
Heritage Club
Creative Club
Yoga Club
Music Club
Informatics Club
Maths Club
The martial arts are ultimately self-knowledge. A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups.” With this mission the students of ABS undergo a regular training on Karate and Martial Art.
-"Bruce Lee"
Yoga acts as a catalyst and unravels the many wonderful qualities that children possess. Apart from the apparent physical benefits, it helps the child become aware, focused and discipline. Even special children with learning disorders benefit immensely with yoga. In view of strengthening the inner engineering of students ABS offers yoga classes to all the students.
Scouting is an approved type of character training and a preparation for good citizenship designed for the benefit for boys and young men. Scouting is regarded as a very helpful co-curricular activity, which admirably supplements school education. Agrasain Boys’ School introduced Scout activities with the students of classes V to VIII under the able leadership of Trained Scout Master.